Kathryn Rabinow Photographer  



All images in this template are the work of Kathyrn Rabinow, a photographer in Houston, Texas.  Images are for template display purposes only. Contact me directly at kler@rabinow.net before using these images for any purpose.



As I write this welcome to the viewer I am struck by how many years I have had the pleasure of creating art; of sharing my images with viewers on the web and in galleries and at exhibitions.  In 2013 I received a very great honor; three of my large abstracts were selected to be hung in the Permanent Art Collection of the Federal Reserve Board in Washington D.C.  Amore recent honor was to have several of my pieces selected to hang on the walls at Sloan Kettering Hospital in NYC. Thousands of visitors and employees will see my work every year.  But whether my photography is seen in a major government building or in an exhibition, in a private home, a corporate headquarters or on the walls of the non-profit organizations to which I donate work, I hope that the viewers have the same reactions.  Delight, pleasure, puzzlement and/or an ‘a-ha’ moment would all be possibilities.  I enjoy creating my images; I hope that the viewer enjoys seeing them.  I only have a few examples of my work on this site—please contact me for additional information or Octavia Gallery in New Orleans and view additional pieces of my work which may be purchased through the Gallery.